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Our Story | who we are


Cyrus Law | Founder


Cyrus Law is a dreamer, a believer, a fighter, a desire driven individual.


Born and raised in HK, has a warm and supportive family, spent his teenage years overseas, with some mildly influent of the culture differences in both NZ and Australia, he picked up a fairly unusual set of behaviour and often people called him a very ‘Laid-Back’, ‘Chillax’ kind of guy. He relocated back to HK just after his 30th. He trusted that there are much more to life for him than just spending the rest of his life repaying a mortgage for an apartments and/or to raise a family.


He began his changes with a healthy lifestyle in 2009, being a skinny guy for all his life, he decided to make a change, with dedication and determination he put on 18kg from 55kg within 1 year. Considered one of the greatest achievement of all time, his time that is :P

His moto:


"Don’t hand your life to fate and wait for things to happen in the right place at the right time, go create and make things happen instead"


"Life is not supposed to be ordinary, LIFE is supposed to be EXTRAORDINARY"


"You can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results.."


He also host a personal blog:



Background | It all started from way back on Sept 2012, when Cyrus and Rocky (Co-Founder) stepped out of their comfort zone, with an attitude of wanting to make a change, make a difference, to tell the world what they both made of, finding ways to improve themselves to live in a much more meaningful life and to be a better person for themselves. They signed up a TV reality show '求愛大作戰 Bachelors at War' for the first time of their life, to experience, to see where life takes and the rest is history.


© 2013

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